Saturday, January 5, 2013

A New Year

A clean slate. That's what everyone loves about the new year. We love the thought of starting fresh, without any demerits. Like back in elementary school, when you got your report card: a couple C's, a few D's, maybe even an F or two; you're disappointed, but relieved at the same time, because the next semester doesn't have to be the same as the last. Just like the new semester, the new year is filled with possibilities and hope- hope that we won't make the same mistakes we did last year; hope we can score more A's and B's this time around.

Two months later... your left lying in a dried up well that once held all your excitement for the new year. Your perfect report is not so perfect anymore, and those possibilities? Not looking so promising. Two more months pass, and you look back at your unfulfilled hopes. The same mistakes from the previous year still trail behind you. C's and D's have made a reappearance on your report card. Try as you might to keep it clean, filth still makes it's way onto your slate.

How discouraging it is to strive for a perfect record, and come completely short of all expectations.

But there are some people who don't have that problem. Their failure means little compared to someone else's accomplishment. This someone actually lived up to the perfect standard of life from the moment he was born until His sacrificial death. And His life, His death, and His resurrection give everyone the opportunity to never strive for perfection, because through Him, all who trust in His name are given his slate- absolutely clean. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

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