Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dear Inner Critique

Dear Inner Critique,

As of late, you have become a great nuisance. You have kept me from finishing many a project and have often persuaded me to refrain from starting new ones. The majority of your advice has been quite detrimental and negative, the very opposite of what it should be. There is little I do that is good enough for your taste, and since my work cannot measure up, why begin? If I accepted everything you said, I should find myself begging on the side of the road somewhere.

For these reasons, your employment is terminated. Consider this a friendly warning; the official pink slip will be sent tomorrow.

I apologize for any inconveniences unemployment might cause you, yet I hope you understand why I could not keep you. I also encourage you use this as a learning experience to better prepare you, should find another critiquing position. Knowing what one's mistakes are often helps one overcome them, and I am certain that is true for you.

Your former boss

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