Sunday, July 22, 2012

World Peace?

Recently, I entered into a discussion about world peace (let it be noted that I did not instigate this discussion). This guy insisted on the possibility of all humanity being able to get along perfectly, without war, without conflict. It was hard for me to resist bursting out in laughter- he spoke with such conviction in an absolutely preposterous. He truly believed people would someday learn to live in total peace with one another because time would eventually improve human nature.

Instead of laughing, I blankly stared at him for a few seconds. I had to compose my thoughts and sort my opinions and my arguments. He was wrong, not about there being a day with no more contentions, but about  such a day occurring as a result of time and human effort. People do not have perfect peace in them of themselves. The only way "world peace" can truly be achieved is when the Almighty God wills it to happen by His power; end of story.

To make my point, I reached for this guy's phone. The moment my fingers had wrapped around it, he snatched it away and held it like his life depended on it. A cell phone. According to him, humanly initiated world peace was possible, yet he couldn't let me take his phone. He had no intention sharing his plastic device, whatsoever. Ironic, considering how assured he was of future world peace.

If people cannot find peace with each other concerning small, plastic things, how can we have peace in matters concerning life and death. We fight over the TV remote, and the last piece of cake. Someone cuts us off on our way to work, so we take it out on the clerk at the front desk. These are small things, relatively meaningless, but they can cause so much strife in people's lives. But we can make world peace for ourselves, without any help.

The reality is, it is not humanly possible to make the world peaceful. It is, however, Divinely possible. He is called the Prince of Peace, and that says it all. He will make a day when war will only be a memory, a day when conflict will be a word for the history books. He is the only one we can trust to give us world peace.

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